Sneaky Devil!
Once more again, again, again
Warning! Attack reigns down!
Pernicious danger, hard to see!
Protection needed! Raise alarm!
The devil tries again to confound us,
He muddles and messes, behind the scenes
stealth is his weapon, gossip his tear gas
Sneaky devil! Sneaky means.
Corrupting good, weakening valour
leaching hope, inspiring spite,
voicing resent, voicing the boast
Snickering in his own delight
Tunnelling under the walls of trust
undermining what we thought solid
worming into self-serving egos
In darkest places, being squalid.
Yet, like old Job, we should be happy!
The devil would not waste his time
If our Godly work did not upset him.
For “If I err, the error is mine.”
Can we unite against the devil?
Or can we really only see
his work as it is done through people
and fight the people, and give him glee?
We readily see God in people
whenever we look to see the good,
Yet see only people in unkind people
Oh, the devil’s work is misunderstood!
You sneaky devil! I’ll not let you!
I’ll shine a light; expose the Truth!
You shall NOT undermine our goodness!
I’m telling on you! Expect reproof!