D is for diagnosis

Except it isn’t.

My doctor is wondering what to do.  She says my BP is all over the place and quite normal at night when I am asleep.
That makes drugging me tricky apparently.

Yet when it spikes my BP is still very high although not in the alarming region it was 2 weeks earlier.

I ask about the peculiarly low diastolic readings and she says it is probably just machine error.  Well that’s not very reassuring, is it?

I tell her about my extreme lifestyle changes and she wonders if I am already beginning to normalise my own blood pressure.

She says she has read of this happening in people who totally alter every aspect of their life, eating and exercise, but she has never seen it work.  Apparently most people just ask to be prescribed some pills. I am astounded!

Anyway, she says that based on the 24 hour monitor she is happy to let me go for a month or two and see what happens.

My blood tests from 29 Nov are back too and there is good and bad news.  The good news is that my cholesterol is fine, the bad news is that my blood sugar is not and nor is my Vitamin D.

Apparently my blood sugar is 7.1 and anything of 7 is bad.
Oh dear, another thing.

My Vitamin D levels are very low and I need to get a supplement. That bit is easy at least.

So I have to have a blood glucose test that involves fasting for 15 hours overnight then drinking something sugary and having my blood tested at 1 hour and 2 hours to see how I cope with converting it.

That’s booked for 4 January 2016.

So I leave happy but not ecstatic and somewhat confused.

Keep on with all the good stuff, I think, it certainly can’t hurt, and even if I do end up needing medications, I’ll be fit.


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